Refined slurs for clever typesetters

In addition to the previous extension and improvement of existing features, long nice horizontal slurs are also available, but they can be used only with two restrictions:

Thus, their use is recommended only for nice slurs extending a few bars and not supposed to occur across lines. With this restrictions,

\temps\NOtes\zcha...\qu h\enotes
\NOtes\ql i\enotes
\NOtes\ql j\enotes

has been obtained by coding:

\NOtes\zcharnote l{\huslur{3.5\noteskip}}\qu g\enotes
\NOtes\qu h\enotes
\NOtes\ql i\enotes
\NOtes\ql j\enotes

However, the best solution is now to use MusiXTEX which systematically makes beautiful slurs, at the cost of a three pass system instead of one...